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Lockers are one of the most simple and reliable places to store your things, as well as being a must-have product for any workplaces you are running or operating in. However, like all products that are routinely used, lockers can quite easily become jammed, rendering them useless. Rather than rushing out to buy a replacement locker, however, you can follow the simple guide below to see how you can easily un-jam your locker.

Fixing a Jammed locker

  1. Remove broken keys or anything else you see stuck in the lock. Inspect the key slot to see if there is anything in there, and then spray some penetrating oil into the lock opening. Reach in with a pair of needle-nose pliers to pull out the blockage.
  2. Check your broken key before working on the lock. If you only have the head of the key left, you probably managed to turn the lock a little bit. Try using a screwdriver to turn the lock back to its starting position so it releases the key.
  3. Spray a lubricant on the key if it doesn’t turn in the lock. Dirt and grime can build up and stop your locker from opening. The best lubricant to use to help turn the lock is powdered graphite lubricant, apply some graphite in the lock’s opening, then put your key in. Turn the key a few times to work in the lubricant and see if it allows you to open the door.
  4. Heat the lock-up to melt ice if you’re in a cold area. One of the easiest ways to fix a frozen lock is by spreading a little hand sanitizer on your key (minimum 60% alcohol which is similar to de-icer). Put the key in and turn it a few times to spread the hand sanitizer through the lock; this should help to de-ice the lock if it is frozen over.
  5. Push the locker door in if you’re able to turn the key. If you’re sure that the lock is ready for use and you’re able to turn the key, put pressure on the door. As you turn the key, apply firm but gentle pressure to it. You could also push against the door with your free hand. If the door still won’t budge, also lift the key as much as you can while turning it and pushing it toward the lock.
    1. Often, lockers can get stuck when something hits the locking mechanism. Removing the object sometimes this takes the pressure off of the lock so you can open the door.
  6. Many locker jams come from items inside overstuffed lockers being pressed against the locking mechanism. All you have to do in this case, is clean out the locker to prevent it from jamming again. If it jams repeatedly even after you try everything, you might need to consider buying a new locker.


That concludes this article on how you can manually open a locker that has been jammed shut. Taking the time to have a look at the locker yourself and see if a manual fix can be made, is often the cheaper and easier option than simply buying a replacement. If you were interested in buying a locker for your workplace, then you can see our range of lockers here, which includes our range of plastic lockers, anti-bacterial lockers, laminate lockers and cube lockers, amongst others.

